Can you summarize 29 DECO 4835?
This legal document governs the exclusion or ejection of certain persons from video lottery facilities, Internet lottery games, and sports lottery games in Delaware. The Director of the State Lottery is responsible for establishing a list of persons to be excluded or ejected from these facilities and games. The Director may place a person on the exclusion list if there is a reasonable basis to believe that their engagement in the games or presence in the facility is detrimental to the interests of the state or the operation of a video lottery agent’s facilities.
Can you summarize 29 DECO 4836?
This legal document governs the penalties for wagering by excluded persons in the context of sports lottery games, Internet lottery games, and video lottery facilities. It applies to any person whose name has been placed on the list of persons excluded from participating in these activities or excluded or ejected from a video lottery agent’s facility. However, persons whose name has been placed on the self-exclusion list are exempted. Violation of this provision is considered a class A misdemeanor.
Can you summarize 29 DECO 4838?
This legal document governs the cooperative agreement between the Director of the Division of Child Support Services, Department of Health and Social Services, and the Director and operator of each video lottery or charitable gaming organization facility within Delaware State. The agreement aims to provide information regarding individuals with a qualified child support obligation to satisfy such obligation with any qualified video lottery prizes won by those individuals. The document specifies that the operator of a video lottery facility shall determine if the winner owes a qualified child support obligation before awarding any qualified video lottery prize.
Can you summarize 29 DECO Chapter 48, Subchapter I?
The legal documents reviewed pertain to the Delaware State Lottery and cover a wide range of topics related to its establishment, operation, and regulation. The documents establish the State Lottery Office as part of the Department of Finance and outline the powers and duties of the Director responsible for the operation of the state lottery. They provide definitions for various terms used in the lottery, including video lottery, table game, lottery agent, and more.
Can you summarize 29 DECO Chapter 48, Subchapter III?
The provided legal documents cover various aspects of interactive fantasy contests in Delaware. The first document outlines the powers and duties of the Director in relation to the registration and operation of contests, including the development of regulations and the approval and denial of applications. The second document specifies the annual reporting requirements for registrants, including the information to be included in the report and the Director’s authority to conduct financial audits.
Can you summarize 3 DECO Part X?
The legal documents reviewed govern various aspects of horse racing in Delaware. The INTERSTATE LICENSING COMPACT establishes the Compact Committee as an interstate governmental entity responsible for determining licensing requirements and issuing licenses to participants in live racing. The Compact aims to ensure a uniform minimum standard of honesty and integrity among the party states and facilitate the growth of the harness and horse racing industry. The Compact allows party states to charge fees for licenses and apply their own standards for license suspension or revocation.
Can you summarize 31 DECO 3902?
This chapter of the Delaware Code governs the Adult Protective Services (APS). It defines various terms related to APS, including abuse, adult who is impaired, alleged victim, caregiver, court, department, elderly person, emergency, emergency services, essential services, exploitation, financial exploitation, financial institution, hazardous living condition, independent living arrangement, interested person, mistreatment, neglect, person who is incapacitated, physical or mental disability, protective placement, public guardian, substantially impaired in the ability to provide adequately for the persons own care and custody, and vulnerable adult.
Can you summarize 31 DECO 3910?
This legal document governs the duty to report and evaluate adult protective services, as well as the reporting of financial exploitation. It applies to any person who has reasonable cause to believe that an adult person is impaired or incapacitated and in need of protective services. It also applies to employees of financial institutions who have direct contact with elderly persons and suspect financial exploitation. The document requires the reporting of relevant information to the Department in the specified format.
Can you summarize 31 DECO 3913?
This legal document, part of the Delaware Code, pertains to the abuse, neglect, exploitation, and mistreatment of impaired adults. It applies to any person who knowingly or recklessly engages in such actions towards an impaired adult. The document outlines various penalties based on the severity and value of the exploitation. Exploitation of resources valued at less than $500 is a Class A misdemeanor, while exploitation of resources valued at $500 or more but less than $5,000 is a Class G felony.
Can you summarize 4 DECO 706?
Any licensee, or employee of a licensee, or person in charge of a licensed premises shall refuse to sell or serve alcoholic liquors to any individual if such individual is intoxicated or appears to be intoxicated. Such licensee, employee of a licensee or person in charge of the licensed premises shall not be liable to any individual for damages claimed to arise from the refusal to sell alcoholic liquors if such refusal is based upon this section.