Can you summarize 24 CORS Article 35, Part 6?
The Gambling Payment Intercept Act is a repealed part of the Colorado Revised Statutes. It was added in 2007 and repealed in 2018. The Act was aimed at intercepting gambling payments and was under the jurisdiction of the Department of Revenue in Colorado. However, specific details regarding the main aspects, entities, and penalties are not provided in the given document content.
Can you summarize 38 CORS Article 10?
This legal document, found in the Colorado Revised Statutes, pertains to conveyances made with the intent to defraud prior or subsequent purchasers. It states that any conveyance of an estate or interest in lands, rents, or profits, as well as any charge upon lands or rents, created with the intent to defraud purchasers for a valuable consideration, shall be void against such purchasers. The document does not apply to cases involving equitable trusts.
Can you summarize 38 CORS Article 13?
The Revised Uniform Unclaimed Property Act under the Colorado Revised Statutes provides a comprehensive framework for the handling of unclaimed property in the state. It defines various terms related to unclaimed property and provides exemptions for certain types of property. The Act outlines the requirements for holders of unclaimed property to report the property to the administrator in a complete and accurate manner. It also specifies the procedures for sending notice to the apparent owner and the payment or delivery of property to the administrator.
Can you summarize 38 CORS Article 13?
The Unclaimed Property Act establishes the framework for the identification, reporting, and return of unclaimed property in Colorado. It applies to various individuals and entities, including banking organizations, business associations, financial organizations, insurance companies, utilities, and the public employees’ retirement association. The Act defines key terms such as ‘administrator’, ‘apparent owner’, and ‘holder’. It also includes definitions for specific types of property. The Act does not apply to certain exemptions, such as unclaimed capital credit payments held by cooperative electric associations and telephone cooperatives.
Can you summarize 4 CORS Article 3?
These legal documents, part of the Colorado Revised Statutes under the Uniform Commercial Code, govern the negotiation, transfer, endorsement, liability, discharge, payment, tender of payment, presentment, and enforcement of negotiable instruments in Colorado. They establish the legal framework for the proper transfer and endorsement of negotiable instruments, define the requirements for negotiation and endorsement, and provide examples of remitter transactions. The documents also address the liability of parties on negotiable instruments, including representatives signing on behalf of others, impostors, fictitious payees, and employers for fraudulent indorsements.
Can you summarize 4 CORS Article 4?
The provided legal document content pertains to the ‘Uniform Commercial Code - Bank Deposits and Collections’ under the Colorado Revised Statutes. It governs the rules and regulations related to bank deposits and collections, payor banks, collecting banks, customers, and documentary drafts. The document emphasizes the need for a uniform statement of rules to accommodate the changing needs and conditions of the bank collection process. It highlights the importance of automation and truncation in the check collection process to increase efficiency and reduce costs.
Can you summarize 4 CORS Article 4.5?
These legal documents, governed by Article 4A of the Colorado Revised Statutes under the Uniform Commercial Code, establish precise and detailed rules for funds transfers. They define funds transfers as specialized methods of payment, commonly known as wholesale wire transfers. The documents provide definitions for terms such as ‘payment order’ and ‘funds transfer’ and aim to assign responsibility, define behavioral norms, allocate risks, and establish limits on liability in funds transfers.
Can you summarize 4 CORS Article 5?
The legal document, known as the Uniform Commercial Code - Letters of Credit, provides a theoretical framework for the development of letters of credit in commercial transactions. It defines the unique characteristics of letters of credit and distinguishes them from other forms of assurance, contracts, and fiduciary engagements. The document emphasizes the need for courts to interpret the terms of this article in a manner consistent with customs and expectations of the international banking and mercantile community.
Can you summarize 4 CORS Article 9?
The provided legal documents, governed by the Colorado Revised Statutes and the Uniform Commercial Code (UCC), address various aspects of secured transactions. They cover the creation, attachment, perfection, and enforcement of security interests in personal property and fixtures. The documents provide guidelines for creditors, debtors, banks, and other parties involved in secured transactions. They address the requirements for perfecting security interests, determining priority among conflicting security interests, and the rights and obligations of different parties in relation to collateral.
Can you summarize 44 CORS Article 30, Part 10?
Editor’s note: This part 10 was added in 2018 and was not amended prior to its repeal in 2022. For the text of this part 10 prior to 2022, consult the 2021 Colorado Revised Statutes and the Colorado statutory research explanatory note beginning on page vii in the front of this volume. This part 10 was relocated to part 17 of this article 30. Former C.R.S. section numbers are shown in editor’s notes following those sections that were relocated.