Can you summarize 11 CORS Article 110?
The legal document reviewed is part of the Colorado Revised Statutes and falls under the Colorado Banking Code. It governs the regulation of money transmitters in Colorado. The document applies to individuals and entities engaged in the business of money transmission within the United States or to locations abroad. It provides definitions for various terms related to money transmitters and outlines the requirements for applying for a license to engage in the business of money transmission.
Can you summarize 11 CORS Article 51, Part 5?
This legal document governs fraud and other prohibited conduct in connection with the offer, sale, or purchase of securities. It prohibits any person involved in these activities from employing fraudulent devices, making untrue statements of material facts, or engaging in acts that operate as fraud or deceit. The document also includes specific provisions related to custodians of funds or securities of a local government investment pool trust fund, investment advisers of such trust funds, broker-dealers or financial institutions acting in an advisory capacity to such trust funds, and persons who receive consideration for advising others on securities.
Can you summarize 12 CORS Article 20, Part 4?
Cross references: For alternative disciplinary actions for persons licensed, registered, or certified to practice a profession or occupation pursuant to this title 12, see 24-34-106; for the Colorado rules of civil procedure concerning subpoenas, injunctions, and civil contempt, see C.R.C.P. 45, 65, and 107.
Can you summarize 18 CORS Article 10?
The provided legal document content governs various aspects of gambling in the state of Colorado. It sets forth the policy of the general assembly regarding gambling activities, aiming to restrain individuals from seeking profit from gambling and safeguard the public against negative effects. The document allows exemptions for social gambling, contests of skill, bona fide business transactions, and other specific activities. It defines key terms related to gambling and establishes penalties for violations.
Can you summarize 18 CORS Article 10.5?
The provided legal document governs simulated gambling devices in the context of sweepstakes in Colorado. It applies to electrically or electronically operated machines or devices used by sweepstakes entrants at business locations owned or possessed by persons conducting the sweepstakes or their partners, affiliates, subsidiaries, agents, or contractors. The document defines terms such as ’electronic gaming machine’, ’enter’ or ’entry’, ’entrant’, ‘gambling’, ’local jurisdiction’, and ‘prize’. It clarifies that the exception for gambling set forth in section 18-10-102 (2)(a) does not apply to this article.
Can you summarize 18 CORS Article 20?
The provided legal document content pertains to offenses related to limited gaming in the state of Colorado. It covers various aspects such as repeating gambling offenders, violations of taxation provisions, false statements in license applications, shipping and importing of slot machines, cheating at limited gaming activities, use of devices to assist in gaming, prohibition of cheating or thieving games or devices, manufacture and distribution of equipment and devices related to limited gaming, entry by excluded and ejected persons, personal pecuniary gain or conflict of interest, and providing false or misleading information.
Can you summarize 18 CORS Article 5, Part 7?
Cross references: For obtaining a financial transaction device by false statements, see 18-5-209.
Can you summarize 18 CORS Article 5, Part 9?
This legal document, part of the Colorado Revised Statutes Criminal Code, governs offenses involving fraud, specifically identity theft and related offenses. It provides definitions for various terms used in this context and establishes a clear understanding of their meanings. The document defines identity theft as the knowing use or possession of another person’s personal identifying information, financial identifying information, or financial device without permission or lawful authority, with the intent to obtain cash, credit, property, services, or any other thing of value.
Can you summarize 18 CORS Article 5.5?
This legal document, part of the Colorado Revised Statutes Criminal Code, specifically addresses computer crime. It provides definitions for various terms related to computer crime and aims to establish a clear understanding of these terms within the context of computer crime. The document applies to individuals or entities involved in computer-related activities and provides a foundation for the interpretation and enforcement of computer crime laws in Colorado. It does not mention any specific exemptions or penalties for non-compliance or violation.
Can you summarize 24 CORS Article 21, Part 6?
Editor’s note: This part 6 was added with relocations in 2017. Former C.R.S. section numbers are shown in editor’s notes following those sections that were relocated. For a detailed comparison of this part 6, see the comparative tables located in the back of the index.