Can you summarize 11 CORS Article 101?
The provided legal document content pertains to the Colorado Banking Code, specifically Articles 101 to 109 and article 10.5 of the Colorado Revised Statutes. The code governs the business of all state banks in Colorado and aims to protect the public interest. The policy of the state of Colorado is to supervise and regulate state banks in a manner that preserves and promotes sound and constructive competition among financial services institutions, a dual federal and state banking system, the security of deposits, the safe and sound conduct of the business of state banks, and a statewide safe and sound banking system.
Can you summarize 11 CORS Article 102?
The provided legal document content covers various aspects of the Colorado Banking Code, including the designation of hearing officers for public hearings, examinations and examiner’s reports of state banks and related entities, reporting of code violations, retention and reproduction of bank records, establishment of fees and assessments for the division of banking, banking interests of division officers and employees, and the overall operations and regulations related to banks in the state of Colorado.
Can you summarize 11 CORS Article 103?
These legal documents, part of the Colorado Revised Statutes, cover various aspects related to the organization and corporate functions of state banks in Colorado. They govern the general corporate powers of state banks, including perpetual existence, contracting abilities, bylaws, and the power to elect officers and agents. The documents also address the capital requirements for state banks, ensuring capital adequacy and protecting depositors and the general public. They further outline the liability of shareholders in state banks, specifying their responsibility for the bank’s contracts and debts.
Can you summarize 11 CORS Article 104?
The provided legal document content pertains to the acquisition and control of banking institutions in the state of Colorado by bank holding companies or other companies. According to the document, no bank holding company or other company can acquire or control a banking institution in Colorado unless the institution accepts deposits that the depositor has a legal right to withdraw on demand and engages in the business of making commercial loans.
Can you summarize 11 CORS Article 105, Part 2?
The provided legal document content pertains to the practices related to electronic funds transfers by Colorado banks. It requires banks to provide their account holders with a receipt or record of each banking transaction initiated at a communications facility. These receipts or records serve as prima facie proof of the transactions and are admissible as evidence in legal actions. Banks must reflect all banking transactions made by the account holder at a communications facility in the statements of demand, savings, or loan accounts provided to the account holder.
Can you summarize 11 CORS Article 105, Part 5?
The provided legal document, part of the Colorado Banking Code, governs the rules and regulations regarding safe deposit boxes and safekeeping facilities. It applies to banks, trust companies, lessors of safe deposit boxes, and individuals or entities using safe deposit boxes or seeking safekeeping services. The document outlines that a bank may maintain and lease safe deposit boxes and accept property for safekeeping, provided it issues a receipt. Additionally, a bank may own stock in a safe deposit company located in the same community, not exceeding fifteen percent of its capital and surplus, with at least ninety percent of the stock owned by banks or trust companies.
Can you summarize 11 CORS Article 105?
This legal document governs branch banks and practices in the state of Colorado. It applies to state banks or state banks chartered in another jurisdiction. The document prohibits state banks or their agents from operating any facility, agency, or paying or receiving station that would constitute a branch, except for facilities authorized by the United States treasury department. The document also prohibits banks from engaging in certain business activities, such as issuing, underwriting, or promoting the sale of securities, unless specific exceptions apply.
Can you summarize 11 CORS Article 106?
The provided legal document content pertains to the fiduciary business of state banks in Colorado. It states that a state bank is prohibited from acting as a fiduciary, except as an escrow agent, unless it is authorized by its charter or amendments to exercise trust powers. A bank acting as a fiduciary is granted the same investment powers as an individual fiduciary under similar circumstances. Unless otherwise provided by statute, a bank acting as a fiduciary has the same rights, powers, privileges, and obligations as an individual fiduciary.
Can you summarize 11 CORS Article 107?
The provided legal document content pertains to criminal offenses related to financial institutions and banks under the Colorado Banking Code. It covers various offenses such as falsely acting as a bank, receiving deposits while insolvent, unlawful service as an officer or director, unlawful gratuity or compensation, unlawful concealment of transactions, embezzlement or misapplication of funds, and unlawful acts or omissions. The document applies to any person not authorized to carry on a banking business, state banks, officers, directors, employees, attorneys, agents, and affiliates.
Can you summarize 11 CORS Article 110, Part 2?
This legal document governs the requirements for money transmitter agents in Colorado who are licensed under part 1 of article 110. It mandates that licensed money transmitters must annually provide certain information to the banking board, including the names, addresses, and telephone numbers of their agents’ offices engaged in money transmission, as well as the names, addresses, and telephone numbers of owners holding more than a ten percent interest in the agent’s business.