Can you summarize MTAR 2.63, Subchapter 6?
The provided legal document content pertains to the licensing rules of the Montana State Lottery Commission. It outlines various requirements and procedures that licensees must adhere to. Licensees are required to notify the director of any changes in their licensed business, such as changes in business structure, ownership, closure, officers, board of directors, business address, and bank account information. Additionally, licensees must notify the director of any changes, moves, or removals of lottery terminals, equipment, and peripherals as per their contract.
Can you summarize MTAR 2.63?
The provided legal document content pertains to the Montana State Lottery Commission, which operates under the Administrative Rules of Montana. It outlines the rules and regulations governing the administration and operation of the lottery in the state. The document applies to the Montana State Lottery Commission, including its officials, employees, and contractors involved in the lottery’s administration and operation. However, no specific exemptions or penalties are mentioned in the provided legal document content.
Can you summarize MTAR 2.63.1301?
This document outlines the rules and regulations regarding sports wagering accounts in Montana. It states that only players who have established a sports wagering account may engage in mobile sports wagering. The lottery may accept wagers at a sports wagering facility without the player establishing a sports wagering account. The lottery is required to record and maintain the information submitted to create a sports wagering account. Before establishing an account, the lottery must verify the player’s identity, age, and eligibility to participate in sports wagering.
Can you summarize MTAR 2.63.1305?
This document governs the provision of responsible gaming options for players of the Montana State Lottery Commission’s sports wagering. The lottery is required to provide players with choices for self-limiting options, including deposit limits, spending limits, and time-based limits. Information about player protection and responsible gaming is available on the website. Personally identifiable information of players is protected in accordance with the privacy policy on the same website. The document also allows for self-exclusion as described in ARM 2.
Can you summarize MTAR 2.63.603?
(1) Each sales agent shall prominently display the license in each licensed place of business in an area visible to the general public and in a manner that prevents theft or defacement of the license. (2) Each sales agent shall post a notice that persons must be 18 years of age to play. (3) A sales agent operating a sports wagering facility shall also post information from the lottery including: (a) sports wagering game conditions that are available through the official website; (b) responsible gambling resources approved by the director that are dedicated to helping persons with potential gambling problems; and (c) information governing self-imposed responsible gaming limits and the ability for the player to establish those limits.
Can you summarize MTAR 23.16, Subchapter 1?
The provided legal document content covers various aspects related to gambling licenses in Montana. It includes information on the transfer of ownership interests in locations operating video gambling machines, the application process for obtaining a gambling license, loans and financing for licensed gambling operations, changes in business entity or location, requirements for obtaining a gambling license, leasing and transfer of gambling licenses or permits, grounds for denial of a gambling license, renewal of gambling licenses, transfer of ownership interest in a licensed gambling operation, processing of gambling license applications, and changes in the type of alcoholic beverage license.
Can you summarize MTAR 23.16, Subchapter 18?
This legal document, part of the Administrative Rules of Montana, falls under the jurisdiction of the Gambling Control Division. It pertains to the regulation of Video Gambling Machines (VGMs) in the state. The document specifies that the department will issue identification decals for new VGMs to licensed manufacturers or their designated representatives. These decals must be affixed to the machines before they are placed in service and should be visible and permanently maintained.
Can you summarize MTAR 23.16, Subchapter 32?
The provided legal document content consists of definitions and regulations related to the operation of fantasy sports leagues under the jurisdiction of the Gambling Control Division of the Montana Department of Justice. The document includes definitions for terms such as ‘administrative fee’, ’entrance fee’, ‘fantasy sports league’, ‘member’, ‘prize’, and ’transaction fee’. It states that an administrative fee, not exceeding 15% of a member’s entrance fee, may be charged for expenses related to the operation of a fantasy sports league.
Can you summarize MTAR 23.16, Subchapter 35?
The provided legal document content pertains to the offering of financial incentives or conducting promotional games of chance in connection with an offer to cash payroll checks on the premises. The document defines a ‘financial incentive’ as any inducement involving the payment of money, any reduction in price paid for goods or services, or any award of credit. The document is part of the Administrative Rules of Montana under the jurisdiction of the GAMBLING CONTROL DIVISION of the JUSTICE department.
Can you summarize MTAR 23.16, Subchapter 5?
The provided legal document content pertains to the requirements and procedures for obtaining a gambling operator license in Montana. The document outlines the information that applicants need to submit, including personal details, gambling licensure history, civil and criminal records, residence and employment history, financial statements, business financing details, and ownership/management information. Additionally, the application must include certified fingerprints, the applicant’s most recent financial statements, and a floor plan of the proposed premises.