Can you summarize Pen Code CACL 476a?
This section of the California Penal Code governs the crime of forgery and counterfeiting related to checks, drafts, or orders. It applies to any person who, for themselves or as a representative of another, willfully and with intent to defraud, makes, draws, utters, or delivers a check, draft, or order for payment of money, knowing that there are insufficient funds or credit for its payment. The offense is punishable by imprisonment in a county jail for up to one year, or pursuant to subdivision (h) of Section 1170.
Can you summarize Pen Code CACL 484d?
This section, along with Sections 484e to 484j, provides definitions for various terms related to access cards and larceny. It defines terms such as ‘cardholder’, ‘access card’, ’expired access card’, ‘card issuer’, ‘retailer’, ‘incomplete access card’, ‘revoked access card’, ‘counterfeit access card’, ’traffic’, and ‘card making equipment’. These definitions help in understanding the legal framework surrounding access card transactions and larceny. The section does not mention any specific exemptions or penalties.
Can you summarize Pen Code CACL 484e?
This legal document, found in the California Penal Code, specifically addresses the crime of larceny related to access cards. It outlines various actions that are considered grand theft or petty theft, depending on the circumstances. Selling, transferring, or conveying an access card without the cardholder’s or issuer’s consent is considered grand theft. Acquiring access cards issued in the names of four or more persons, knowing that they were taken or retained unlawfully, is also considered grand theft.
Can you summarize Pen Code CACL 484f?
(a)Every person who, with the intent to defraud, designs, makes, alters, or embosses a counterfeit access card or utters or otherwise attempts to use a counterfeit access card is guilty of forgery. (b)A person other than the cardholder or a person authorized by him or her who, with the intent to defraud, signs the name of another or of a fictitious person to an access card, sales slip, sales draft, or instrument for the payment of money which evidences an access card transaction, is guilty of forgery.
Can you summarize Pen Code CACL 484g?
Every person who, with the intent to defraud, (a) uses, for the purpose of obtaining money, goods, services, or anything else of value, an access card or access card account information that has been altered, obtained, or retained in violation of Section 484e or 484f, or an access card which he or she knows is forged, expired, or revoked, or (b) obtains money, goods, services, or anything else of value by representing without the consent of the cardholder that he or she is the holder of an access card and the card has not in fact been issued, is guilty of theft.
Can you summarize Pen Code CACL 484h?
This section of the California Penal Code governs the crime of theft committed by retailers or other individuals with intent to defraud. It outlines two scenarios that constitute theft. The first scenario involves furnishing money, goods, services, or anything else of value upon presentation of an access card obtained or retained in violation of Section 484e or an access card that is counterfeit, forged, expired, or revoked. If the payment received for all such transactions exceeds $950 in any consecutive six-month period, it constitutes grand theft.
Can you summarize Pen Code CACL 484i?
This section of the California Penal Code governs larceny, specifically addressing the possession of incomplete access cards with the intent to complete them without the issuer’s consent, fraudulent alteration of access card account information, and the design, making, possession, or trafficking of card making equipment or incomplete access cards with the intent to make counterfeit access cards. Possessing an incomplete access card with the intent to complete it without consent is considered a misdemeanor.
Can you summarize Pen Code CACL 484j?
Any person who publishes the number or code of an existing, canceled, revoked, expired or nonexistent access card, personal identification number, computer password, access code, debit card number, bank account number, or the numbering or coding which is employed in the issuance of access cards, with the intent that it be used or with knowledge or reason to believe that it will be used to avoid the payment of any lawful charge, or with intent to defraud or aid another in defrauding, is guilty of a misdemeanor.
Can you summarize Pen Code CACL Part 1 Title 9 Chapter 10?
The provided legal document content covers various aspects of gaming activities and crimes related to gaming in California. It includes provisions on the advertising of nonparimutuel wagering on horse races, cheating at gambling games, possession and control of gambling devices and activities, use of devices to assist in gambling games, manufacture, sale, and possession of gambling devices, use of counterfeit chips and wagering instruments, possession of devices intended to violate gambling laws, transportation and possession of slot machines or devices, regulation of controlled games and gambling equipment, offenses related to gaming, transmission of information related to horseraces and contests, dealing, playing, or carrying on prohibited games, violations of gambling laws, administration of drugs to animals in races or competitions, seizure of gambling machines or devices, and witness refusal to attend proceedings.
Can you summarize Pen Code CACL Part 1 Title 9 Chapter 10.5?
This legal document regulates and enforces the prohibition of touting in horse racing in the state of California. It applies to individuals who have been convicted of touting, ejected from racetracks for touting or practices inimical to the public interest, or refuse to leave a racetrack when ordered to do so. The document outlines the penalties for touting, including misdemeanor charges for refusing to leave a racetrack, being a tout, or attempting or conspiring to commit touting.