Can you summarize MICL 432.413?
This section of the Lawful Sports Betting Act in Michigan prohibits certain conduct related to internet sports betting and outlines the penalties for violations. It is applicable to any person involved in internet sports betting in the state of Michigan. The prohibited conduct includes offering internet sports betting without being a licensed sports betting operator, making false statements on license applications, providing false information to the board, evading license fees or taxes, tampering with betting equipment or altering odds, allowing underage individuals to participate in internet sports betting, defrauding operators or claiming excessive winnings, attempting to influence the outcome of sporting events, and using non-public knowledge to place bets.
Can you summarize MICL 432.414?
This legal document, known as the Lawful Sports Betting Act, governs the taxation of sports betting operators in Michigan. According to the document, sports betting operators, excluding Indian tribes, are subject to a tax of 8.4% on their adjusted gross sports betting receipts. Indian tribes, on the other hand, are subject to different payment requirements as specified in section 7(1)(f). The tax or payment is to be paid on a monthly basis, with the payment for each monthly accounting period due on the tenth day of the following month.
Can you summarize MICL 432.417?
Sec. 17. To the extent that sports betting equipment used to offer internet sports betting under this act is a gambling device as that term is defined in 15 USC 1171, a shipment of sports betting equipment, the registering, recording, and labeling of which has been completed by the manufacturer or the manufacturer’s dealer in accordance with 15 USC 1171 to 1178, is a legal shipment of a gambling device into this state.
Can you summarize MICL 432.503?
This legal document, known as the Fantasy Contests Consumer Protection Act, governs the offering of fantasy contests in the state of Michigan. It requires persons offering fantasy contests to obtain a license as a fantasy contest operator, except for certain exceptions. Individuals can offer fantasy contests from their private residence, limited to no more than 15 players and collecting no more than $10,000 in total entry fees per calendar year. Casino licensees and Indian tribes conducting class III gaming in a casino located in Michigan under certain licenses are also exempt from the licensing requirement.
Can you summarize MICL 432.504?
This legal document outlines the requirements for fantasy contest operators in Michigan. Fantasy contest operators must submit commercially reasonable procedures and internal controls to the board for approval. These procedures and controls must prevent operators, their owners, directors, officers, employees, and their relatives from participating in fantasy contests offered by the operator. They must also prevent employees or agents from sharing protected information with third parties, prevent participants and officials in an athletic event from participating in a fantasy contest based on that event, establish limits on the number of entries a player can submit, identify highly experienced players, offer contests open to players other than highly experienced players, segregate deposits in players’ accounts from operational money, ensure privacy and online security compliance, and maintain the integrity of fantasy contests.
Can you summarize MICL 432.505?
Sec. 5. By July 1 of each year, a licensed fantasy contest operator shall contract with a certified public accountant to perform an independent audit in accordance with generally accepted accounting principles of the financial condition of the licensed fantasy contest operator’s total operations for the previous fiscal year and to ensure compliance with section 4(1)(g) and for any other purpose the board considers appropriate. A licensed fantasy contest operator shall submit the audit results under this section to the board not later than 180 days after the end of the fantasy contest operator’s fiscal year.
Can you summarize MICL 432.506?
Sec. 6. A fantasy contest operator shall prohibit an individual who is less than 18 years of age from participating in a fantasy contest. History: 2019, Act 157, Imd. Eff. Dec. 20, 2019
Can you summarize MICL 432.507?
Sec. 7. A licensed fantasy contest operator shall not do any of the following: (a) Allow the use of a script unless the script is made readily available to all fantasy contest players. (b) Employ false, deceptive, or misleading advertising, or advertising that is not based on fact. (c) Target, in advertising or promotions, either of the following: (i) Individuals who have restricted themselves from entering a fantasy contest under the procedures established by the board.
Can you summarize MICL 432.509?
Sec. 9. (1) A licensed fantasy contest operator shall make available on the licensed fantasy contest operator’s website information about resources relating to compulsive gaming behavior including a telephone number or link to information on compulsive gaming behavior and where to seek assistance for compulsive gaming behavior. (2) A licensed fantasy contest operator shall make available, by website, telephone, or online chat, a means to allow an individual to irrevocably restrict the individual’s ability to enter a fantasy contest and to select the length of time the restriction will be in effect.
Can you summarize MICL 432.511?
Sec. 11. (1) A licensed fantasy contest operator shall retain and maintain in a place secure from theft, loss, or destruction all of the records required to be maintained under this act and the rules promulgated under this act for at least 3 years after the date of the record’s creation. (2) A licensed fantasy contest operator shall organize all records under subsection (1) in a manner that enables the licensed fantasy contest operator to provide the board with the records.