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Can you summarize MGL Chapter 149, Section 113?
LABOR AND INDUSTRIES > Light, ventilation, cleanliness, sanitation and heat in establishments
Short Summary
This section of the Massachusetts General Law governs the requirements for light, ventilation, cleanliness, sanitation, and heat in various establishments. It applies to factories, workshops, manufacturing, mechanical and mercantile establishments, railroad freight houses, railway express terminals, public garages, premises used by express, trucking and transportation companies, and any other building where a person is employed. These establishments must be well lighted, well ventilated, and kept free from unsanitary conditions. Work rooms in use during the period from October fifteenth to May fifteenth must be properly heated according to reasonable rules and regulations established by the attorney general. However, rooms under the supervision of the department of public health and subject to section seventy-three A of chapter ninety-four are exempt from these requirements. If the attorney general determines that a work room is not properly heated, they may seek a cease and desist order in the superior court in the county where the work room is located.
Whom does it apply to?
Factories, workshops, manufacturing, mechanical and mercantile establishments, railroad freight houses, railway express terminals, public garages, premises used by express, trucking and transportation companies, and any other building in which a person is employed
What does it govern?
Light, ventilation, cleanliness, sanitation, and heat in establishments
What are exemptions?
Rooms under the supervision of the department of public health and subject to the provisions of section seventy-three A of chapter ninety-four
What are the Penalties?
No specific penalties mentioned