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Can you summarize WARC 9.46.240?
Gambling1973 act. > Gambling information, transmitting or receiving.
Short Summary
This section of the Revised Code of Washington governs the transmission or receipt of gambling information. It prohibits knowingly transmitting or receiving gambling information through various means such as telephone, telegraph, radio, internet, or similar means. It also prohibits the installation or maintenance of equipment for the transmission or receipt of gambling information. Violation of this section is considered a class C felony, with penalties specified in RCW 9A.20.021. However, there are exemptions for gambling information or equipment related to activities authorized by this chapter, including sports wagering authorized under specific RCW sections, as well as acts conducted in compliance with the provisions of this chapter and tribal-state compacts.
Whom does it apply to?
Anyone who knowingly transmits or receives gambling information by specified means or installs or maintains equipment for such transmission or receipt
What does it govern?
Transmitting or receiving gambling information
What are exemptions?
This section does not apply to gambling information transmitted or received or equipment installed or maintained relating to activities authorized by this chapter, including sports wagering authorized under specific RCW sections, or to acts conducted in compliance with the provisions of this chapter and tribal-state compacts.
What are the Penalties?
Class C felony subject to the penalty set forth in RCW 9A.20.021