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Can you summarize WARC 9.46.0356?
Gambling1973 act. > Promotional contests of chance authorized.
Short Summary
This legal document authorizes businesses and financial institutions to conduct promotional contests of chance in the state of Washington. These contests involve elements of prize and chance, but not consideration. The contests must be conducted as advertising and promotional undertakings solely for the purpose of advertising or promoting the services, goods, wares, and merchandise of a business. Participants in the contests cannot be required to pay any consideration or purchase any goods or services, except in cases where the promoter or sponsor provides an alternate method of entry requiring no consideration. The document also defines ‘consideration’ and prohibits the use of gambling equipment or devices in promotional contests. It clarifies that these contests are not considered gambling as defined in RCW 9.46.0237. Additionally, the document states that compliance with promotional advertising of prizes and unfair business practices laws is still required. Overall, this document provides the legal framework for conducting promotional contests of chance in Washington state.
Whom does it apply to?
Businesses and financial institutions
What does it govern?
Promotional contests of chance
What are exemptions?
No exemptions are mentioned.
What are the Penalties?
No specific penalties are mentioned.