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Can you summarize WAAC 230-03-240?
Permitting and licensing rules. > Working before receiving a charitable or nonprofit gambling manager license.
Short Summary
(1) You may begin performing the duties of a charitable or nonprofit gambling manager only after you have submitted a completed application and fees for licensing. (2) If you meet any of the conditions of RCW 9.46.158, you must not perform any of the duties of a charitable or nonprofit gambling manager until you receive a license from us. (3) If you elect to perform any of the duties of a charitable or nonprofit gambling manager before licensing, we will keep your entire application fee regardless of the outcome of your application. [Statutory Authority: RCW 9.46.070. WSR 06-07-157 (Order 457), 230-03-240, filed 3/22/06, effective 1/1/08.]