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Can you summarize Tex. Penal Chapter 47?
Short Summary
This legal document pertains to offenses against public health, safety, and morals related to gambling activities in the state of Texas. It defines various terms such as ‘bet,’ ‘bookmaking,’ ‘gambling place,’ ‘gambling device,’ ‘altered gambling equipment,’ ‘gambling paraphernalia,’ ’lottery,’ and ‘private place.’ The document outlines what is considered a bet and provides exemptions for certain types of contracts, contests, and carnival contests. It also defines gambling devices and excludes certain contrivances designed solely for amusement purposes. The document further explains the concept of altered gambling equipment and gambling paraphernalia. Additionally, it defines a lottery as a scheme or procedure where prizes are distributed by chance among those who have paid or promised consideration. The document also defines a private place as a location inaccessible to the public. Lastly, it clarifies the meaning of ’thing of value’ and provides a definition for a private place. The document does not specify penalties for non-compliance or violations.
Whom does it apply to?
Any person involved in gambling activities within the state of Texas
What does it govern?
Offenses against public health, safety, and morals related to gambling activities
What are exemptions?
Gambling in a private place, no economic benefit other than personal winnings, equal risks and chances for all participants, reasonable belief that the conduct was permitted under specific chapters of the Occupations Code or the State Lottery Act, participation in the state lottery or a recreational event conducted by the Parks and Wildlife Department, and playing for something of value other than money using an excluded contrivance
What are the Penalties?
Class C misdemeanor for making a bet on the outcome of a game or contest, making a bet on a political nomination or election, or playing and betting for money or other things of value at any game played with cards, dice, balls, or any other gambling device. Class A misdemeanor for operating or participating in the earnings of a gambling place, engaging in bookmaking, becoming a custodian of anything of value bet or offered to be bet for gain, selling chances on game or contest results or political nominations, appointments, or elections, and setting up or promoting any lottery