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Can you summarize Svensk frfattningssamling 2018:1139?
Lag (2018:1139) om skatt p spel
Short Summary
The legal document reviewed is the ‘Lag (2018:1139) om skatt pa spel’ (Law (2018:1139) on Tax on Gambling) in Sweden. This law governs the taxation of gambling activities in the country. It provides definitions for the terms ‘insats’ (bet) and ‘utbetalning’ (payout) in relation to gambling activities covered by this law. Other terms and expressions used in this law have the same meanings as defined in the spellagen (2018:1138) (Gambling Act of 2018). The law applies to individuals or entities involved in gambling activities in Sweden, including players and those who make payments to players. No specific exemptions or penalties for non-compliance or violation of this law are mentioned.
Whom does it apply to?
Individuals or entities involved in gambling activities in Sweden, including players and those who make payments to players
What does it govern?
Taxation of gambling activities in Sweden
What are exemptions?
No specific exemptions are mentioned
What are the Penalties?
No specific penalties for non-compliance or violation are mentioned