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Can you summarize NVRS 467?
Short Summary
This legal document, part of the Nevada Revised Statutes, governs the regulation and administration of unarmed combat, including activities such as boxing and mixed martial arts. It establishes definitions for terms such as ‘commission,’ ‘contestant,’ ‘promoter,’ ‘purse,’ ‘ring official,’ ‘sanctioning organization,’ ‘unarmed combat,’ and ‘unarmed combatant.’ The document outlines the composition and authority of the Nevada Athletic Commission, including the appointment of members by the Governor, quorum requirements, and restrictions on members’ involvement in promoting or sponsoring contests or exhibitions. It also addresses the role of the Executive Director, who serves at the pleasure of the Governor and may employ additional personnel. The document specifies the deposit of money received by the Executive Director or the Commission into the State General Fund. It further establishes the appointment of official representatives and chief inspectors for each county, their duties, and restrictions on their involvement in promoting or sponsoring professional contests or exhibitions. The document outlines the compensation of Commission members and other employees, including fixed salaries, per diem allowances, and travel expenses. It also classifies the Executive Director as an unclassified service employee and specifies fees for inspectors. The Commission is authorized to affiliate with other state or national boxing commissions or athletic authorities. The document grants the Commission sole direction, management, control, and jurisdiction over all contests or exhibitions of unarmed combat in Nevada, with requirements for conducting contests and exhibitions conforming to regulations. It also addresses the issuance and renewal of licenses for conducting, holding, or giving contests or exhibitions, including application requirements, fees, bonds, and additional deposits. The document outlines the renewal of licenses for various individuals involved in unarmed combat and specifies the need for a state business license and consequences for unpaid debts owed to the Commission. It governs the confidentiality of information related to license applicants and allows disclosure under certain circumstances. The document also addresses child support requirements for license issuance or renewal and the suspension and reinstatement of licenses. It requires the inclusion of social security numbers in license applications and outlines reporting and fee requirements for promoters of contests or exhibitions. The document establishes permit requirements for promoters and exempts amateur contests or exhibitions from certain provisions. It governs the payment of fees for contests or exhibitions and outlines the withholding of purse or other money by promoters. The document addresses the registration of sanctioning organizations or broadcasting networks and the presence of Commission representatives at events. It specifies the duration and rest periods for boxing contests, drug testing of unarmed combatants, weigh-in requirements, and the revocation and disciplinary actions for licensees. The document outlines the procedures for conducting hearings, issuing subpoenas, and administering oaths. It also addresses the temporary suspension of licenses and the requirement of written contracts between licensees and contestants. The document allows the Commission to require insurance coverage for contestants and prohibits promoters from paying or giving money in advance against a contestant’s purse. It concludes with provisions for violations, rulemaking procedures, and exceptions for amateur contests or exhibitions and non-dangerous Oriental self-defense exhibitions.
Whom does it apply to?
Contestants, promoters, ring officials, sanctioning organizations, licensees, applicants, inspectors, members of the Commission, Executive Director of the Commission, and other individuals involved in unarmed combat
What does it govern?
Regulation and administration of unarmed combat, including activities such as boxing and mixed martial arts
What are exemptions?
Amateur contests or exhibitions of unarmed combat conducted by or participated in exclusively by schools, colleges, universities, or their associations or organizations, where each participant is a bona fide student
What are the Penalties?
Misdemeanor offense for violating any provisions of the chapter or rules and regulations of the Commission