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Can you summarize NHCAR Chapter Lot 7300?
Lottery Commission (Renumbered from rules of the former Sweepstakes Commission ( Sw ), and to be renumbered from the rules of the former Racing and Charitable Gaming Commission (Pari).) > UNLAWFUL GAMBLING MACHINES
Short Summary
This legal document, part of the New Hampshire Code of Administrative Rules, provides definitions for various terms related to unlawful gambling machines. It applies to individuals and entities involved in unlawful gambling activities in the state of New Hampshire. The document defines terms such as ‘agent’, ‘antique gambling machine’, ‘collector’, ‘commission’, ‘family entertainment center’, ‘gambling’, ‘gambling machine’, ‘redemption slot machine’ or ‘redemption poker machine’, and ‘sweepstakes’. The document does not mention any specific exemptions or penalties for non-compliance or violations. Its main purpose is to establish clear definitions for the various terms related to unlawful gambling machines in the state of New Hampshire.
Whom does it apply to?
Individuals and entities involved in unlawful gambling activities in the state of New Hampshire
What does it govern?
Regulating unlawful gambling machines
What are exemptions?
Devices exempted by RSA 287-D:31
What are the Penalties?
No specific penalties are mentioned in these documents
New Hampshire