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Can you summarize NHCAR Chapter Lot 700?
Lottery Commission (Renumbered from rules of the former Sweepstakes Commission ( Sw ), and to be renumbered from the rules of the former Racing and Charitable Gaming Commission (Pari).) > RULES FOR EMPLOYEE RECOGNITION PROGRAM
Short Summary
The provided legal document content pertains to the Rules for Employee Recognition Program of the New Hampshire lottery commission. These rules govern the employee recognition program implemented by the commission. The document defines key terms related to the program, such as ‘Commission’, ‘Incentive’, ‘Sales goal’, ‘Sales rep’, and ‘Territory’. The document establishes sales goals for the Employee Recognition Program (ERRC) and measures the difference in instant ticket and retailer terminal game sales between the prior year’s calendar quarter and the current period. If the difference meets or exceeds the sales goals, the sales representative is entitled to the approved incentive. The commission is responsible for funding the employee recognition program from its legislatively approved budget and is required to report quarterly to the fiscal committee of the general court on the status of the incentive program. The document also outlines eligibility criteria for the program, stating that an individual must be employed as a sales representative for the entire quarter under review to be considered eligible. The document does not mention any specific exemptions or penalties related to the program.
Whom does it apply to?
All eligible sales representatives employed by the New Hampshire lottery commission
What does it govern?
The Rules for Employee Recognition Program of the New Hampshire lottery commission
What are exemptions?
No specific exemptions are mentioned in this document
What are the Penalties?
No specific penalties are mentioned in this document
New Hampshire