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Can you summarize NHCAR Chapter Lot 7000?
Lottery Commission (Renumbered from rules of the former Sweepstakes Commission ( Sw ), and to be renumbered from the rules of the former Racing and Charitable Gaming Commission (Pari).) > BINGO GAMES
Short Summary
The provided legal document content covers various aspects of licensing requirements and exemptions for manufacturers, distributors, charitable organizations, gaming consultants, commercial halls, host halls, private campgrounds, hotels, and senior citizen organizations involved in the conduct of bingo games in New Hampshire. The documents outline the qualifications, application requirements, and compliance obligations for obtaining and maintaining licenses for different entities. Manufacturers and distributors must possess a current and valid license issued by the commission, comply with statutes and rules governing charitable gaming, and have a principal place of business located within New Hampshire. Charitable organizations must possess a current and valid license issued by the commission, meet specific eligibility criteria, and adhere to internal control policies and procedures. Gaming consultants providing services in the management or operation of charitable gaming events must be licensed by the commission. Commercial halls that lease or rent premises for the conduct of bingo games must obtain a commercial hall license, while government subdivisions or charitable organizations that own the facility and allow a charitable organization to conduct bingo are exempt from this requirement. Host halls interested in conducting shared bingo games must hold a valid bingo license and submit specific documentation to the commission. Private campgrounds, hotels, and senior citizen organizations may conduct bingo games without a license under certain conditions and regulations. The documents also specify the criteria for the approval or denial of licensure applications for bingo games and the expiration dates of different types of licenses. No specific penalties for non-compliance or violation of the provisions are mentioned in these documents.
Whom does it apply to?
Charitable organizations, agricultural fairs, distributors, manufacturers, commercial halls, entities or individuals providing gaming consultant services, private campgrounds, hotels, and senior citizen organizations
What does it govern?
Licensing requirements and exemptions for manufacturers, distributors, charitable organizations, gaming consultants, commercial halls, host halls, private campgrounds, hotels, and senior citizen organizations involved in the conduct of bingo games in New Hampshire
What are exemptions?
Private campgrounds, hotels, and senior citizen organizations conducting bingo games in accordance with RSA 287-E:11-13 are exempt from licensure under this chapter. Government subdivisions or charitable organizations that own the facility and allow a charitable organization to conduct bingo are exempt from commercial hall license requirement.
What are the Penalties?
No specific penalties are mentioned in these documents.
New Hampshire