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Can you summarize NHCAR Chapter Lot 100?
Lottery Commission (Renumbered from rules of the former Sweepstakes Commission ( Sw ), and to be renumbered from the rules of the former Racing and Charitable Gaming Commission (Pari).) > ORGANIZATION
Short Summary
The provided legal document content pertains to the New Hampshire Code of Administrative Rules governing the Lottery Commission. The rules were renumbered from the rules of the former Sweepstakes Commission and will be renumbered from the rules of the former Racing and Charitable Gaming Commission. The documents primarily govern the activities and operations of the Lottery Commission in New Hampshire. The target audience for these rules includes entities involved in lottery activities in the state. The document does not mention any specific exemptions. However, the penalties for non-compliance or violation of the rules are not specified in the provided information.
Whom does it apply to?
Entities involved in lottery activities in New Hampshire
What does it govern?
Lottery Commission
What are exemptions?
No exemptions are mentioned.
What are the Penalties?
Penalties for non-compliance or violation of the rules are not specified in the provided information.
New Hampshire