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Can you summarize MTAR 23.16, Subchapter 5?
GAMBLING CONTROL DIVISION > Gambling Operator Licenses
Short Summary
The provided legal document content pertains to the requirements and procedures for obtaining a gambling operator license in Montana. The document outlines the information that applicants need to submit, including personal details, gambling licensure history, civil and criminal records, residence and employment history, financial statements, business financing details, and ownership/management information. Additionally, the application must include certified fingerprints, the applicant’s most recent financial statements, and a floor plan of the proposed premises. If the premises have not been identified at the time of application, the applicants have six months to apply for premises approval. Failure to do so within the required timeframe may result in administrative action to revoke the initial license approval. An amended application process may be available for applicants with an alcoholic beverage license. Operator licenses must be renewed annually without any fees. The document also mentions that the department may require access to the applicant’s financial records related to the financing of the proposed operation. Furthermore, there are reporting requirements for changes in location managers, officers, or directors for gambling operators. Any such changes must be reported to the department within 30 days, except for gambling operators holding an alcoholic beverage license issued to military clubs, veterans’ organizations, or fraternal organizations who must report any change in officers or directors no later than the licensee’s next license renewal application. New location managers, officers, and directors are required to submit a personal history statement and fingerprints. The document also governs the designation and responsibilities of location managers for gambling operations. It requires gambling operators to designate at least one location manager, who must be approved by the department. The document establishes suitability standards for location manager and management company approval. The licensee must retain ultimate control over the license and premises, maintain active participation in the gambling operation, and provide appropriate compensation to the location manager. Failure to comply with the provisions may result in administrative action, including license revocation.
Whom does it apply to?
Applicants seeking gambling operator licenses
What does it govern?
Gambling operator licenses
What are exemptions?
No exemptions are mentioned.
What are the Penalties?
No specific penalties are mentioned.