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Can you summarize MNST 609.76?
Short Summary
This legal document, part of the Minnesota Statutes Criminal Code, governs gambling activities and outlines the penalties for various offenses related to gambling. It specifies that maintaining or operating a gambling place, participating in the income of a gambling place, conducting a lottery, setting up gambling devices, manufacturing or selling gambling devices, receiving or forwarding bets, and engaging in sports bookmaking are considered gross misdemeanors. Cheating in a game is subject to different penalties depending on whether the person holds a gambling license or is an employee of the licensee. The use or possession of certain devices at authorized gambling establishments, the use of counterfeit chips or tokens, and the manufacture, sale, or modification of equipment or devices intended for gambling are also prohibited and carry felony charges. The document also addresses the value of chips or tokens used in gambling games. Overall, this document provides a comprehensive framework for regulating gambling activities and enforcing penalties for violations.
Whom does it apply to?
Individuals involved in gambling activities
What does it govern?
Gambling, gross misdemeanors, felonies
What are exemptions?
No exemptions are mentioned.
What are the Penalties?
For gross misdemeanors: imprisonment for not more than one year or a fine of not more than $3,000, or both. For felonies: imprisonment.