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Can you summarize MGL Chapter 23K, Section 3?
THE MASSACHUSETTS GAMING COMMISSION e fee or tax; penalties. > Massachusetts gaming commission; duty, qualification, term and compensation of commissioners; executive director; employees
Short Summary
This legal document establishes the Massachusetts gaming commission, which consists of 5 commissioners. The governor, attorney general, and treasurer and receiver general appoint the commissioners based on specific qualifications and experience. The governor designates the chair of the commission. Prior to appointment, candidates undergo a background investigation and must have good character and integrity. Commissioners must be residents of Massachusetts and cannot hold elected or appointed offices or serve as political party officials. They serve for a term of 5 years and can be reappointed but cannot serve more than 10 years. The governor can remove a commissioner for various reasons, including malfeasance, neglect of duties, or felony conviction. Three commissioners form a quorum, and decisions require the affirmative vote of 3 commissioners. Commissioners receive salaries, with the chair receiving the same salary as the commissioner of administration. The commission appoints an executive director who is responsible for administering and enforcing gaming laws. The executive director appoints other employees, including legal counsel, and establishes administrative units within the commission. The commission establishes a code of ethics, and commissioners and employees are subject to certain restrictions and requirements. The document also outlines the hiring process, employee accountability, and internal control system. No specific exemptions or penalties are mentioned in this document.
Whom does it apply to?
Massachusetts gaming commission
What does it govern?
Duty, qualification, term and compensation of commissioners; executive director; employees
What are exemptions?
No exemptions are mentioned.
What are the Penalties?
No penalties are mentioned.