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Can you summarize MGL Chapter 23K, Section 12?
THE MASSACHUSETTS GAMING COMMISSION e fee or tax; penalties. > Investigation into suitability of applicant for gaming license
Short Summary
This section of the Massachusetts General Law pertains to the suitability investigation of applicants for gaming licenses by the Massachusetts Gaming Commission. Upon receipt of an application, the commission instructs the bureau to commence an investigation into the applicant’s suitability. The commission considers various factors such as the applicant’s integrity, financial stability, business practices, compliance with gaming licensing requirements in other jurisdictions, involvement in litigation, suitability of all parties involved, and disqualification under section 16. The commission may disqualify an applicant unless the applicant demonstrates financial responsibility, character, reputation, integrity, and general fitness to act as a gaming licensee. If the bureau determines that an applicant fails to meet the integrity requirements, demonstrate responsible business practices, or if it would be injurious to the interests of the commonwealth to award the applicant a gaming license, the bureau recommends denial of the application. If the bureau determines the applicant to be suitable, a review of the entire application is recommended.
Whom does it apply to?
Applicants for gaming licenses
What does it govern?
Suitability of applicants for gaming licenses
What are exemptions?
No exemptions are mentioned.
What are the Penalties?
Not specified.