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Can you summarize MDCR 36.10.05?
SPORTS WAGERING PROVISIONS > Specific Requirements for Mobile Sports Wagering Licenses
Short Summary
The provided legal document content pertains to the specific requirements for mobile sports wagering licenses in Maryland. It outlines the administrative history, effective dates, and amendments related to these regulations. The document highlights the obligations of licensees, including the establishment of minority business enterprise participation goals and procedures for procurement, compliance with the State’s Minority Business Program, and annual reporting requirements. Licensees are also required to implement measures to prevent underage and out-of-state online wagering, establish procedures to prevent excluded individuals from participating, and comply with data security laws. The document specifies that licensees may only contract with one online sports wagering operator at a time and that access to the online sports wagering operating system is restricted to authorized licensees. Additionally, the document outlines the registration process for individuals to participate in online sports wagering. It further explains that a valid mobile sports wagering license is required to conduct or operate online sports wagering in Maryland, and applicants for certain sports wagering facility licenses may also apply for a mobile sports wagering license. The document mentions the application fee and bond requirements for a mobile sports wagering license. The authority for these regulations is derived from the State Government Article of the Annotated Code of Maryland. No specific exemptions or penalties are mentioned in the provided document content.
Whom does it apply to?
Applicants and holders of mobile sports wagering licenses
What does it govern?
Mobile sports wagering licenses
What are exemptions?
No exemptions are mentioned.
What are the Penalties?
Not specified.