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Can you summarize LARS 4.709?
CHARITABLE RAFFLES, BINGO AND KENO LICENSING LAW > Investigation of qualifications of applicant; issuance of license; limitation on license fee; duration of license; report to central registry
Short Summary
This legal document, part of the Louisiana Revised Statutes, governs the licensing and regulation of charitable raffles, bingo, and keno. The document outlines the qualifications that applicants must meet to hold, operate, and conduct games of chance. It requires the investigation of each applicant’s qualifications and the merits of their application. The document also specifies that the designated members of the applicant must be bona fide active members and persons of good moral character. The games of chance must be held, operated, and conducted in accordance with the provisions of this Chapter and the rules and regulations governing them. The document further states that licenses for holding, operating, or conducting games of chance are effective for a maximum period of one year. Additionally, it mandates the submission of information about licensed establishments and their owners to the Louisiana Gaming Control Board for inclusion in a central registry. Overall, this document establishes the requirements and procedures for obtaining a license to conduct charitable gaming activities in Louisiana.
Whom does it apply to?
Applicants seeking to hold, operate, and conduct games of chance under the provisions of this Chapter
What does it govern?
Licensing and regulation of charitable gaming
What are exemptions?
No exemptions are mentioned.
What are the Penalties?
No penalties are mentioned.