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Can you summarize IDST 67-429C?
Short Summary
This legal document governs the amendment of state-tribal gaming compacts in Idaho. It allows tribes with existing state-tribal gaming compacts to amend their compacts through a specified procedure. The amendment incorporates terms related to tribal video gaming machines, including the permission to conduct gaming using tribal video gaming machines, limitations on the number of machines, and the requirement to contribute a percentage of annual net gaming income for the support of local educational programs and schools. The amendment also prohibits tribes from conducting gaming outside of Indian lands. To amend the compact, a tribe must deliver a tribal resolution accepting the terms to the Secretary of State. Upon delivery, the compact is deemed amended and approved by the state, without the need for further signature or action by the executive or legislative branches of state government. The newly incorporated compact terms are effective immediately, except to the extent federal government approval is required. This section does not affect current gaming activities or prohibit tribes from negotiating for an initial compact or a compact amendment through other procedures or with different terms.
Whom does it apply to?
Tribes with existing state-tribal gaming compacts
What does it govern?
Amendment of state-tribal gaming compacts
What are exemptions?
This section does not indicate that any gaming activity currently conducted by any tribe is unauthorized or otherwise inappropriate under Idaho law or the tribes existing compact. It also does not prohibit a tribe from negotiating with the state for an initial compact or a compact amendment regarding tribal video gaming machines or any other matter through a procedure other than the procedure specified in subsection (2) above or which contains terms different than those specified in subsection (1) above.
What are the Penalties?
No penalties are mentioned.