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Can you summarize FLCL 376.25?
POLLUTANT DISCHARGE PREVENTION AND REMOVAL > Gambling vessels; registration; required and prohibited releases.
Short Summary
This section, known as the ‘Clean Ocean Act’, governs the registration requirements and release procedures for gambling vessels in coastal waters of Florida. Owners and operators of gambling vessels are required to register with the Department of Environmental Protection before operating in coastal waters. The registration includes providing information about the vessel, its waste management systems, and contact details. The section also establishes procedures for the release of waste from gambling vessels at registered berth locations and requires waterfront-landing facilities to provide waste-management services. If a gambling vessel releases waste into coastal waters, the owner or operator must notify the department within 24 hours, providing details of the release. Violations of this section may result in civil penalties of up to $75,000 per violation. The section also exempts certain releases made for safety purposes, vessels of the United States Armed Services, holders of valid NPDES permits, and gambling vessels operating a specific type of marine waste treatment system.
Whom does it apply to?
Owners and operators of gambling vessels
What does it govern?
Registration requirements and release procedures for gambling vessels in coastal waters
What are exemptions?
Releases made for the purpose of securing the safety of the gambling vessel or saving life at sea, vessels of any branch of the United States Armed Services, persons who hold a valid NPDES permit governing releases from a gambling vessel, gambling vessels that operate a marine waste treatment system producing sterile, clear, and odorless reuse water without generating solid waste
What are the Penalties?
Civil penalty of not more than $75,000 for each violation