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Can you summarize DCCO 36-621.11?
Sports Wagering. > District-operated sports wagering; sports waging retailers.
Short Summary
This legal document governs the conduct of sports wagering in the District of Columbia. The Office of Lottery and Gaming is authorized to conduct sports wagering through various methods, including mobile and online transactions. The systems used for mobile and online transactions must have age and location verification technology to prevent unauthorized access. The Office may engage contractors to provide the necessary systems and services. The Office has the option to offer a mobile or online sports wagering product either through taxing licensed retailers or through a limited number of partners operating an Office of Lottery and Gaming mobile and web-based sports wagering operation. The net revenue from sports wagering, whether from taxing licensed retailers, contracts with vendors, or licensed sports wagering retailers, will be divided equally between the Early Childhood Development Fund and the Neighborhood Safety and Engagement Fund. The Office is responsible for licensing sports wagering retailers, and applicants must meet financial responsibility requirements and pay an application fee. Retailer licenses can be renewed for 2-year periods. Retailer licensees must be bonded and agree to indemnify the District of Columbia. Only retailer licensees or their employees are allowed to accept sports wagers. Violations of this provision may result in fines, imprisonment, or revocation of the retailer license. The Office of the District of Columbia Auditor will conduct a study to evaluate the performance of sports wagering and its revenue generation compared to other jurisdictions. This document was added to the Code of the District of Columbia in May 2019 and has been subsequently amended.
Whom does it apply to?
The District of Columbia, Office of Lottery and Gaming, sports wagering retailers
What does it govern?
District-operated sports wagering; sports wagering retailers
What are exemptions?
No exemptions are mentioned.
What are the Penalties?
Fine not to exceed $5,000 or imprisonment not to exceed 6 months, or revocation of the retailer license, or all of the foregoing
Washington, D.C.