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Can you summarize CORS 44-30-104?
GENERAL PROVISIONS > Limited gaming - sports betting - authorization - regulation.
Short Summary
This legal document authorizes and regulates limited gaming and sports betting in Colorado. It states that limited gaming and sports betting may be operated and maintained subject to the provisions outlined in Article 30. The document also specifies that all limited gaming and sports betting authorized by this article are subject to regulation by the commission. The document includes information about the legislative history of the article, including amendments made in 2018 and 2019. It mentions that the changes made in 2019 would take effect on May 1, 2020, subject to the approval of a ballot question by the voters. The ballot question, known as proposition DD, was approved in November 2019. The document does not provide specific penalties for non-compliance or violations.
Whom does it apply to?
Operators and maintainers of limited gaming and sports betting
What does it govern?
Limited gaming and sports betting
What are exemptions?
No exemptions are mentioned.
What are the Penalties?
Not specified.