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Can you summarize Consumer Protection Act, 2002, S.O. 2002, c. 30, Sched. A, s. 13.1?
CONSUMER RIGHTS AND WARRANTIES > Advertising illegal site
Short Summary
This section of the Ontario Consumer Protection Act, 2002 prohibits the advertising of internet gaming sites that operate contrary to the Criminal Code of Canada. It applies to all persons, except for internet service providers, who arrange or facilitate such prohibited advertising. The term ‘advertise’ is defined to include providing information through various means, such as print, publication, broadcast, telecommunication, or distribution, for the purpose of promoting the use of an internet gaming site. It also includes providing a link in a website or entering into a sponsorship relationship to promote the use of an internet gaming site. This section applies regardless of the provisions in subsection 2(1) of the Act. The penalties for non-compliance are not specified in this document.
Whom does it apply to?
All persons
What does it govern?
Advertising an internet gaming site
What are exemptions?
Internet service providers
What are the Penalties?
Not specified