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Can you summarize 95 ILAC Chapter I, Part 125?
Short Summary
The provided legal document content pertains to the Veterans’ Scratch-Off Lottery Grant Program administered by the Department of Veterans’ Affairs in Illinois. The program aims to provide grants, fund additional services, and conduct research related to various aspects of veterans’ well-being, including post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD), homelessness, health insurance costs, disability benefits, long-term care, and employment and employment training. The document outlines the factors used by the Department to evaluate and recommend project applications for funding assistance consideration. Eligible applicants include government agencies and registered tax-exempt organizations. The Department prioritizes projects that serve currently unserved or underserved populations of veterans, are located in areas of high demand or easily accessible to major population centers, propose innovative research or benefits, demonstrate long-term operations and maintenance capability, and have a record of providing benefits or services similar to the proposed services for veterans. The document also specifies that all grants are subject to the terms of the Illinois Grant Funds Recovery Act. The maximum funding assistance provided by the grant program is 100% of the total approved project costs, with a limit of $100,000 per annual project grant. However, grants for health insurance costs are limited to 20% of the total funds appropriated. The document further states that grants cannot be awarded for construction that is not an expansion of an already existing program facility. The compliance requirements for the Funding Authorization Committee Program are also outlined, including the composition of the committee, its responsibilities in reviewing grant applications, and the Director’s authority in approving or vetoing applications. The document specifies that property acquired or developed with program grant assistance must not be converted to a use that denies use for veterans without prior Department approval. Financial records on approved projects must be maintained for 5 years, and grant funds may only be used pursuant to a written Grant Agreement. The document also highlights the requirement for quarterly and final reports, project inspections, and audits. The applicant’s previous grant history with the Department is considered during the review process. Definitions for various terms used in the Veterans’ Scratch-Off Lottery Grant Program are provided, including ‘Act’, ‘Committee’, ‘Department’, ‘Director’, ‘Post Traumatic Stress Disorder’ or ‘PTSD’, ‘TBI’, ‘Veterans Service Officer’, ‘Veterans Service Organization’ or ‘VSO’, and ‘Veterans Services’. The document specifies eligible project costs for which grant assistance may be obtained, such as research or services related to veterans’ PTSD or TBI, programs to prevent or alleviate veterans’ homelessness, veterans’ disability benefits, long-term veterans’ care, health insurance costs for veterans, and veteran employment and employment training. It is mentioned that grants benefiting the Illinois Veterans Homes are limited to 50% of the total expenditure made by the grantee on behalf of a Veterans Home. Veterans Service Organizations receiving funding pursuant to Section 25 of the Department of Veterans’ Affairs Act are ineligible for grant funding from this program for Veteran Service Officers during the same period covered by the Section 25 award. However, Veterans Service Organizations that accept a grant from this program for Veterans Service Officer funding are ineligible for Section 25 awards for the year covered by this program grant.
Whom does it apply to?
Government agencies and tax-exempt entities currently providing veterans' assistance or similar assistance to non-veterans
What does it govern?
Veterans' Scratch-Off Lottery Grant Program
What are exemptions?
No exemptions are mentioned.
What are the Penalties?
No penalties are mentioned.