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Can you summarize 86 ILAC Chapter I, Part 430?
Short Summary
The Bingo License and Tax Act, part of the Illinois Administrative Code, governs various aspects of bingo licenses and taxes in Illinois. It requires organizations conducting bingo sessions to pay 5% of the gross proceeds to the Illinois Department of Revenue. The Act also outlines the eligibility requirements for obtaining a license under the Bingo License and Tax Act, including restrictions on individuals or entities with certain criminal convictions or involvement in gambling activities. It further provides provisions for restricted licenses for senior citizens organizations and regulations for licensed organizations conducting bingo activities. The Act also establishes the licensing requirements for providers of premises for conducting bingo and suppliers of bingo supplies and equipment. It covers restrictions and limitations on the conducting of bingo by licensed organizations, including the requirement for a valid license and limitations on the number of games and prizes. The Act does not specify any exemptions or penalties for non-compliance or violation of its provisions.
Whom does it apply to?
The Bingo License and Tax Act applies to organizations conducting bingo sessions, the Illinois Department of Revenue, applicants for licenses, licensees, senior citizens organizations, providers of premises for conducting bingo, suppliers of bingo supplies and equipment, and licensed organizations conducting bingo activities.
What does it govern?
The Bingo License and Tax Act governs the imposition of tax and the filing of returns for bingo sessions conducted in the State of Illinois. It also governs the denial, suspension, or revocation of licenses under the Bingo License and Tax Act in Illinois. It further outlines the eligibility requirements for obtaining a license under the Bingo License and Tax Act. It also pertains to the issuance of restricted licenses to senior citizens organizations for conducting bingo games. Additionally, it governs the regulations related to bingo licenses and taxes in Illinois. It establishes the regulatory framework for suppliers of bingo supplies and equipment in Illinois. It also governs the licensing requirements for suppliers of bingo supplies and equipment in the state of Illinois. It applies to licensed organizations that conduct bingo activities. It also covers the restrictions and limitations on the conducting of bingo by any licensed organization. It outlines the eligibility criteria for organizations to obtain a regular license for conducting bingo. It also pertains to providers licenses for conducting bingo in Illinois.
What are exemptions?
No exemptions are mentioned in these documents.
What are the Penalties?
The penalties for non-compliance or violation of the provisions are not specified in these documents.