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Can you summarize 58 PACO VII(I)(501a)?
Compulsive and Problem Gambling > Compulsive and Problem Gambling Requirements
Short Summary
This legal document governs the signage requirements for slot machine licensees in Pennsylvania. Each slot machine licensee is required to post at least 20 signs that include a gambling assistance message. The signs must comply with advertising regulations and the complete text of the sign must be submitted for approval to the Director of OCPG. The signs must be prominently posted within 50 feet of each entrance and exit of the facility, as well as above or below the cash dispensing opening on relevant machines. The document also outlines the compulsive and problem gambling plan requirements for applicants seeking a slot machine license and for slot machine licensees. Applicants must submit a compulsive and problem gambling plan for review, which must include specific elements such as goals, responsible individuals, employee training, provision of treatment services information, prevention of underage gambling, and more. The plan must be approved by the Director of OCPG before the licensee can commence operations. Compliance with the approved plan is a condition for license renewal. The document also mentions the provision of printed materials to educate patrons about compulsive and problem gambling, employee training programs, certification processes, cost estimation, outreach programs, and posting of required signs within the licensed facility. Amendments to the plan must be submitted for review and approval, and objections may be raised if the amendments do not promote prevention or responsible gaming programs. The Department of Drug and Alcohol Programs may provide comments and recommendations regarding the plan. Overall, this document establishes the requirements and guidelines for addressing compulsive and problem gambling in the context of slot machine licensing in Pennsylvania.
Whom does it apply to?
Slot machine licensees in Pennsylvania
What does it govern?
Compulsive and problem gambling requirements for slot machine licensees in Pennsylvania
What are exemptions?
No specific exemptions are mentioned in this document.
What are the Penalties?
No specific penalties for non-compliance or violation of the signage requirements are mentioned in this document.