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Can you summarize 44 CORS Article 30, Part 8?
Short Summary
The Colorado Limited Gaming Act establishes criteria for entities involved in limited gaming operations and sets forth requirements for individuals connected with licensed organizations, including good moral character, honesty, and integrity, absence of criminal convictions, and compliance with gaming regulations. It prohibits serious or repeated violations of the Act or making false statements to the commission or division. The Act also governs the shipping and importing of slot machines, requiring manufacturers and distributors to provide shipping information and individuals receiving slot machines to report machine details. It mandates audit and security measures for slot machines on licensed premises and sets specifications for gaming equipment. The Act prohibits individuals under the age of twenty-one from participating in limited gaming activities and imposes penalties for violations. It requires a minimum theoretical payback value on slot machines and restricts employment and participation in gaming activities to individuals with valid licenses. The Act also prohibits extending credit for participation in limited gaming, sets limits on bet amounts, and mandates payment of winnings. It governs the approval of rules for certain games, prohibits the exchange or redemption of chips for anything other than approved forms of payment, regulates tipping of dealers, and prohibits cheating and the use of cheating devices. The Act also addresses fraudulent acts, possession and use of counterfeit or unapproved chips, and the detention and questioning of suspected violators. It grants authority to regulatory bodies and law enforcement agencies to oversee and enforce gaming laws, conduct investigations, and collect information on organized crime activities. Violations of the Act may result in criminal and civil penalties, and agreements in violation of the Act are void and unenforceable.
Whom does it apply to?
The Colorado Limited Gaming Act applies to persons licensed under Article 30, including officers, directors, and stockholders of privately held and publicly traded corporations, general and limited partners of partnerships, individuals connected with other licensed organizations, persons contracting with or supplying goods or services to the commission or division, those providing financing or loans to licensees, and those having ongoing financial or business arrangements related to limited gaming operations. It also applies to slot machine manufacturers, distributors, operators, retailers, employees, and individuals involved in limited gaming activities.
What does it govern?
The Colorado Limited Gaming Act governs various aspects of limited gaming operations, including licensing criteria, requirements for individuals involved in gaming operations, shipping and importing of slot machines, audit and security measures, age restrictions, employee requirements, cheating and fraudulent acts, possession and use of counterfeit or unapproved chips, enforcement and penalties, and other related matters.
What are exemptions?
No exemptions are mentioned in the Colorado Limited Gaming Act.
What are the Penalties?
Violation of certain provisions of the Colorado Limited Gaming Act is considered a class 5 felony and is punishable as provided in section 18-1.3-401 of the Colorado Revised Statutes. Other violations result in penalties ranging from civil penalties of five hundred dollars for a first offense to a class 2 misdemeanor for a third or subsequent offense. Violators may also be proceeded against for contributing to the delinquency of a minor.