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Can you summarize 4 PACS 13B54?
TAXES AND FEES > Compulsive and problem gambling.
Short Summary
This legal document governs the transfer of funds from the tax imposed on interactive gaming certificate holders for the purpose of compulsive and problem gambling treatment. Each year, a portion of the tax, specifically .002 multiplied by the total gross interactive gaming revenue of all active and operating interactive gaming certificate holders, is transferred to the Compulsive and Problem Gambling Treatment Fund established in section 1509. Additionally, an equal amount is transferred to the Department of Drug and Alcohol Programs or successor agency for drug and alcohol addiction treatment services, including treatment related to compulsive and problem gambling. The document does not mention any exemptions or penalties.
Whom does it apply to?
Interactive gaming certificate holders
What does it govern?
Compulsive and problem gambling treatment and funding
What are exemptions?
No exemptions are mentioned.
What are the Penalties?
No penalties are mentioned.