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Can you summarize 4 CACR Division 4, Article 22?
California Horse Racing Board > Horsemen's Organizations and Agreements
Short Summary
The provided legal document content consists of four separate documents related to horsemen’s organizations and agreements in the context of horse racing. The first document pertains to the binding nature of agreements, covenants, or contracts entered into by the acknowledged horsemen’s organization with licensed racing associations. It states that such agreements are binding upon horse owners, trainers, and participants who accept the conditions of the meeting by accepting stall space. It also prohibits any member, employee, agent, director, or representative of a horsemen’s organization from counseling, urging, advocating, aiding, or abetting the violation of any provision of such agreements during their term. The second document focuses on the acknowledgment and recognition of horsemen’s organizations for horse owners and trainers in the context of race meetings. It outlines the criteria and process for an alternate horsemen’s organization to petition for decertification of an existing organization. It also specifies the validation of signatures on the petition and the conduct of an election among the licensed members. The third document governs the requirement for racing associations to file agreements with horsemen’s organizations. It mandates each racing association to file a copy of its agreement with the horsemen’s organization representing the horse owners and trainers at the same time it files its application for a license. In case the association is unable to obtain and file the agreement, the California Horse Racing Board may conduct a hearing and take appropriate action to ensure the continuity of the racing program. The horsemen’s organization is responsible for providing a copy of the agreement for the conduct of the meeting to anyone who requests it and posting a notice of the location where a copy of the agreement can be obtained. The fourth document governs the provisions that are prohibited in Horsemen’s Agreements between associations and horsemen. It specifies that no agreement shall include provisions that conflict with the Horse Racing Law, the rules of the California Horse Racing Board, or usurp the authority of the Board. The prohibited provisions include limiting or specifying the number of races programmed on any day or night of the meeting, specifying the number of days per week racing will be conducted at the meeting, specifying the type of pari-mutuel wagering or the number of multiple-wager (exotic) pari-mutuel pools to be conducted, and excluding participation at the meeting by any individual holding a valid license issued by the Board. The document also clarifies that it does not abridge specific rules of the division. The documents reference relevant sections of the Business and Professions Code and the California Administrative Code. However, specific penalties for non-compliance or violation are not mentioned in the provided legal document content.
Whom does it apply to?
Horse owners, trainers, participants, licensed racing associations, employees, agents, representatives, officials
What does it govern?
Adjudication of controversies relating to agreements between a horsemen's organization and a racing association, acknowledgment and recognition of horsemen's organizations for horse owners and trainers, requirement for racing associations to file agreements with horsemen's organizations, provisions that are prohibited in Horsemen's Agreements between associations and horsemen
What are exemptions?
No specific exemptions are mentioned.
What are the Penalties?
Specific penalties for non-compliance or violation are not mentioned.