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Can you summarize 29 DECO 4815?
State Lottery > State Lottery Fund [Effective until May 25, 2024].
Short Summary
This legal document, 4815 of the Delaware Code, establishes the State Lottery Fund and governs the operation and administration of the State Lottery. It requires all moneys received from the sale of lottery tickets, keno, and Internet ticket games to be accounted for to the State Treasurer and placed into the State Lottery Fund. The Director of the lottery is responsible for paying for the operation and administration of the lottery, as well as paying prizes to players. The document outlines the percentages of proceeds that should be returned to players, retained by the State for administrative and vendor costs, and returned to the State for various purposes such as funding programs for compulsive gamblers and their families, supporting horse racing programs, and contributing to the State’s General Fund. The document also addresses the distribution of proceeds from the operation of the video lottery, sports lottery, and Internet lottery. This version of the document is effective until May 25, 2024.
Whom does it apply to?
State Lottery
What does it govern?
State Lottery Fund
What are exemptions?
No exemptions are mentioned.
What are the Penalties?
No penalties are mentioned.