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Can you summarize 27 LARS Chapter 8?
Short Summary
The provided legal document content pertains to the ‘Video Draw Poker Devices Control Law’ in Louisiana. It governs the regulation of video draw poker devices by the Louisiana Gaming Control Board. The document provides definitions for various terms used in the regulation, such as ‘Board’, ‘Certified technicians level one’, ‘Certified technicians level two’, ‘Device operation’, ‘Device owner’, ‘Distributor’, ‘Division’, ‘Hotel’ or ‘motel’, ‘Institutional investor’, ‘Licensed establishment’, ‘Manufacturer’, ‘Net device revenue’, ‘Person’, ‘Restaurant, bar, tavern, cocktail lounge, or club’, ‘Service entity’, ‘Suitability’, ‘suitable’, or ‘suitability requirements’, ‘Video draw poker’, ‘Video draw poker device’, and ‘Video draw poker employee’. The document states that the placement, operation, maintenance, and play of approved video draw poker devices in accordance with the provisions of this Section is legal and such devices shall not be considered gambling devices. It also mentions that any license applied for, granted, or issued under the provisions of this Chapter is a pure and absolute privilege, the awarding, denial, or withdrawal of which is solely within the discretion of the board or division. The document further specifies the requirements for video draw poker devices, including inspection and certification, connection to a player-operated terminal and control computer system, secure areas, card displays, adjustable features, circuit-interrupting device, serial or identification number, nonresettable mechanical and electronic meters, linkage to a central computer system, shuffling of cards, use of standard playing cards, replacement of discarded cards, display of winning hands and credits, limitations on multi-hand games, acceptance of ticket vouchers and cash, and additional specifications by the division. It also outlines the licensing requirements for video draw poker devices, including the types of licenses, annual fees, franchise payments, application process, license renewal, exemptions for transfer of ownership, and distribution of funds. The document further covers suitability requirements for individuals applying for a license, issuance of video draw poker employee permits, local zoning ordinances and building codes, prohibited relationships, prohibition of underage play or operation, and cashing or acceptance of certain checks or documents. The Louisiana Gaming Control Board and the Department of Public Safety and Corrections, office of state police, gaming division, are responsible for performing the duties and functions authorized by this Chapter and the relevant provisions of the Louisiana Revised Statutes. Overall, these documents provide a comprehensive framework for the regulation and enforcement of video draw poker devices in Louisiana.
Whom does it apply to?
Licensed establishments, device owners, distributors, manufacturers, service entities, video draw poker employees, and the Louisiana Gaming Control Board.
What does it govern?
The regulation and control of video draw poker devices in licensed establishments in Louisiana.
What are exemptions?
No exemptions or penalties are mentioned in these documents.
What are the Penalties?
Specific penalties for non-compliance or violation of the documents provisions are not mentioned in these documents.