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Can you summarize 205 CMR 120?
Massachusetts Gaming Commission (formerly State Racing Commission) > Permitting requirements
Short Summary
This legal document outlines the permitting requirements for applicants seeking Category 1 or Category 2 gaming licenses in Massachusetts. The applicants must include a chart identifying all federal, state, and local permits and approvals required for the construction and operation of their proposed gaming establishment. They must also provide copies of completed permit applications, written comments received, and any permits or decisions issued by the authority having jurisdiction. Other requirements include submitting an environmental notification form, providing proof of submission and comments received, and submitting any environmental impact reports or assessments. The applicants must also provide a statement from the host community’s zoning officer, town counsel, or city solicitor regarding compliance with zoning ordinances or by-laws. The document emphasizes the ongoing duty of the applicant to update the permits chart and provide relevant documents and information to the commission throughout the application process. The regulatory authority for this document is 205 CMR 120.00: M.G.L. c. 23K, 1, 4(15), 4(37), 5, 13, 15(12), 17, and 18(14).
Whom does it apply to?
Applicants seeking Category 1 or Category 2 gaming licenses in Massachusetts
What does it govern?
Permitting requirements for applicants seeking Category 1 or Category 2 gaming licenses in Massachusetts
What are exemptions?
No exemptions are mentioned.
What are the Penalties?
No specific penalties are mentioned.