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Can you summarize 18 USC 1166?
INDIANS > Gambling in Indian country
Short Summary
This legal document, 1166 of the United States Code, pertains to gambling in Indian country. It states that all State laws related to the licensing, regulation, or prohibition of gambling, including criminal sanctions, apply in Indian country in the same manner and to the same extent as they apply elsewhere in the State. Any act or omission involving gambling in Indian country, regardless of whether it is conducted or sanctioned by an Indian tribe, would be considered a like offense and subject to a like punishment as per the laws of the State where the act or omission occurred. However, the term ‘gambling’ does not include class I gaming or class II gaming regulated by the Indian Gaming Regulatory Act, or class III gaming conducted under a Tribal-State compact approved by the Secretary of the Interior. The United States has exclusive jurisdiction over criminal prosecutions of violations of State gambling laws in Indian country, unless an Indian tribe has consented to the transfer of criminal jurisdiction to the State through a Tribal-State compact or any other provision of Federal law.
Whom does it apply to?
Individuals in Indian country
What does it govern?
Gambling in Indian country
What are exemptions?
Class I gaming or class II gaming regulated by the Indian Gaming Regulatory Act, or class III gaming conducted under a Tribal-State compact approved by the Secretary of the Interior
What are the Penalties?
Subject to a like offense and punishment as per the laws governing the licensing, regulation, or prohibition of gambling in force at the time of the act or omission
U.S. Federal Government