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Can you summarize 16-633 MECM Ch. 10?
Gambling Control Board > Slot Machine Maintenance
Short Summary
This legal document, Chapter 10 of the Code of Maine Rules under the jurisdiction of the Gambling Control Board, governs the maintenance of slot machines in Maine. It states that no slot machine can be placed in operation until the personnel of a licensed Slot Machine Operator or Casino Operator have received sufficient and appropriate training in the service and repair of each approved slot machine model. Additionally, it requires the maintenance of a Machine Entry Authorization Log (MEAL) within the main cabinet access area of each slot machine. Every person who gains entry into a slot machine must complete a MEAL log, which should be retained by the operators for three years and made available for inspection by the Board or Department staff upon request. The document also mentions that the slot machine or casino operator should provide suitable MEAL books as approved by the board or its designee. The effective date of this document is February 21, 2005, with subsequent amendments made on August 5, 2006, October 1, 2011, and September 15, 2014.
Whom does it apply to?
Licensed Slot Machine Operators or Casino Operators
What does it govern?
Slot machine maintenance
What are exemptions?
No exemptions are mentioned.
What are the Penalties?
Not specified.