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Can you summarize 15 AKAC 160 Article 3?
Authorized Games of Chance and Skill > Vendors
Short Summary
The provided legal document governs the compensation of registered vendors in Alaska. It states that if a permittee enters into a contract described under AS 05.15.188, they must submit a copy of the contract to the department for inspection. Additionally, a contract between a permittee and a vendor must contain specific information, including the vendor’s beverage dispensary license number or package store license number, a means for determining compensation, a plan for disposing of pull-tab series, and a method for handling receipts for prizes. The document prohibits a permittee from paying any expense incurred by a registered vendor that would result in the permittee receiving less than 70 percent of the ideal net of a pull-tab game sold to the vendor. It also prohibits a permittee from engaging in a sales transaction with a person who sells or provides gaming supplies or equipment to a third party if the same sale made directly to the third party would result in a prohibited conflict of interest. Furthermore, a registered vendor is prohibited from participating in a purchase inducement program prohibited by 15 AAC 160.942 or accepting a pull-tab point-of-sale system or pull-tab dispensing device from a third party or distributor at less than fair market value. The document clarifies that a vendor may sell pull-tabs only in an area of an establishment that excludes individuals under the age of 21, unless accompanied by a parent, guardian, or spouse who has attained the age of 21. No specific penalties are mentioned in this document.
Whom does it apply to?
Permittees and vendors involved in gaming activities in Alaska
What does it govern?
Compensation of registered vendors in Alaska
What are exemptions?
A permittee may sell pull-tabs in premises that qualify as a vendor location without becoming a registered vendor, under certain conditions
What are the Penalties?
No specific penalties are mentioned in this document