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Can you summarize 15.1.18 NMAC?
Short Summary
The provided legal document content pertains to the New Mexico Administrative Code’s standards for compulsive gambling assistance plans. It applies to applicants for gaming operators’ licenses and licensed gaming operators. The objective of this rule is to establish standards for the development of compulsive gambling assistance plans and ensure their implementation and maintenance by gaming operators. The document outlines the minimum standards for a compulsive gambling assistance plan, including the identification of a plan manager, a mission statement, policies on handling gambling problems, intervention techniques, printed materials for patron education, prohibition of loans for gaming purposes, employee training, certification of training, follow-up training, implementation timetable, details of referral providers, and compliance with recommended policies and procedures. The plan must be submitted to the New Mexico Department of Health for evaluation and approval. The document also requires gaming operators to include employee training and education as fundamental aspects of the plan. The employee training program should cover various topics related to compulsive gambling, such as characteristics and symptoms of compulsive gambling behavior, prevalence of compulsive gambling, relationship to other addictions, social costs, identification of vulnerable populations, intervention techniques, and assistance and referral programs. Training should be conducted within 60 days of hire, and annual re-certification is required. Failure to submit the required certification may result in administrative action against the gaming operator licensee. Additionally, each gaming operator licensee must submit an annual report detailing their compulsive gambling activities. Racetrack gaming operators have specific requirements for spending funds on compulsive gambling programs, including limitations on administrative costs and allocation of funds for training, crisis intervention, prevention programs, gambling assistance and treatment, and a helpline. The document aims to ensure that gaming operators have comprehensive plans in place to address compulsive gambling issues and provide assistance to affected individuals and their families.
Whom does it apply to?
Applicants for gaming operators' licenses and licensed gaming operators
What does it govern?
Standards for the development of compulsive gambling assistance plans by applicants for gaming operators' licenses and the implementation and maintenance of such plans by licensed gaming operators
What are exemptions?
No exemptions are mentioned.
What are the Penalties?
No penalties are mentioned.
New Mexico