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Can you summarize 11 ILAC Subtitle D, Chapter I, Part 1800, Subpart 1800?
Short Summary
This document governs the transportation and distribution of video gaming terminals in the state of Illinois. It applies to manufacturers, distributors, licensed terminal handlers, and terminal operators. Video gaming terminals are considered shipped or transported into the state when they start outside the state and terminate within the state. Licensed video locations are not allowed to receive direct shipments of video gaming terminals. Manufacturers or distributors shipping or transporting video gaming terminals into the state must provide certain information to the Illinois Gaming Board at least 14 calendar days prior to shipment. Each video gaming terminal transported into the state must be inspected by an agent of the Board before delivery to a licensed video gaming location. No EPROM, logic board, or non-alterable storage media may be activated prior to signature verification by the Board or its agent. Any authorized person transporting a video gaming terminal from one approved location to another within the state must notify the Illinois Gaming Board and provide various information such as their full name, address, license number, reason for transportation, destination, carrier details, shipment security, terminal details, expected delivery/installation date and time, and any other information required by the Board. The movement of video gaming terminals within the same licensed location is exempted, but relocation within the same location requires Board approval. An agent of the Board must approve and may inspect all video gaming terminals before transportation within the state. Additionally, the transportation of inoperable video gaming terminals requires notice to the Board and must be to an approved location.
Whom does it apply to?
Manufacturers, distributors, licensed terminal handlers, terminal operators
What does it govern?
Transportation and distribution of video gaming terminals
What are exemptions?
Movement within the same licensed location, relocation within the same location with Board approval
What are the Penalties?
No specific penalties mentioned