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Can you summarize LARS 15.1503?
Short Summary
The provided legal document content pertains to the Adult Protective Services Act under the Louisiana Revised Statutes. The Act defines various terms related to adult protective services. It defines ‘abandonment’ as the desertion or willful forsaking of an adult, and ‘abuse’ as the infliction of physical or mental injury on an adult. The term ‘adult’ is defined as an individual who is eighteen years of age or older, or an emancipated minor who is unable to manage their own resources or protect themselves from abuse, neglect, or exploitation. The Act establishes the ‘adult protection agency’ as the office of elderly affairs for individuals aged sixty or older, and the Louisiana Department of Health for individuals between the ages of eighteen and fifty-nine. The Act also defines terms such as ‘capacity to consent’, ‘caregiver’, ’exploitation’, ’extortion’, ‘isolation’, ’neglect’, ‘protective services’, ‘self-neglect’, and ‘sexual abuse’. The Act outlines the responsibilities of adult protection agencies, including conducting investigations, preparing social services plans, case management, and referral for legal assistance. It also clarifies that adults receiving treatment in accordance with a recognized religious method of healing are not considered neglected or abused solely for that reason. The Act provides a comprehensive framework for the protection of vulnerable adults in Louisiana.
Whom does it apply to?
Individuals who are aged or adults with physical or mental disabilities, caregivers, adult protection agencies
What does it govern?
Adult Protective Services Act
What are exemptions?
No exemptions are mentioned.
What are the Penalties?
No penalties are mentioned.