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Can you summarize KSST 39-1443?
REPORTING ABUSE, NEGLECT OR EXPLOITATION OF CERTAIN PERSONS > Same; investigation of reports; coordination and cooperation between agencies.
Short Summary
This legal document, found in the Kansas Statutes under the section ‘MENTALLY ILL, INCAPACITATED AND DEPENDENT PERSONS; SOCIAL WELFARE’, outlines the duties and responsibilities related to the investigation of reports of adult abuse, neglect, or financial exploitation. The Kansas department for children and families and law enforcement officers are tasked with receiving and investigating such reports to determine their validity and the need for action to protect the adult. If no immediate action is required but a criminal prosecution is considered, a report is made to the appropriate law enforcement agency. In cases involving serious physical injury, deterioration, sexual abuse, or financial exploitation, joint investigations may be conducted between the Kansas department for children and families and law enforcement agencies, with information freely exchanged. Disputes between investigating agencies are to be coordinated by the county or district attorney. Law enforcement agencies investigating facilities regulated by the secretary of health and environment must promptly report their findings. The document emphasizes the need for agencies to assist each other in taking necessary actions to protect the adult, regardless of which party conducted the initial investigation.
Whom does it apply to?
Kansas department for children and families, law enforcement officers, appropriate law enforcement agency or agencies, county or district attorney, secretary of health and environment
What does it govern?
Investigation of reports; coordination and cooperation between agencies
What are exemptions?
No exemptions are mentioned.
What are the Penalties?
No specific penalties are mentioned.