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Can you summarize MGL Chapter 66A?
Short Summary
This section of the Massachusetts General Law governs the duties of holders maintaining personal data systems. It applies to all holders maintaining personal data systems. The section outlines various responsibilities and requirements for these holders. They are required to designate an individual responsible for ensuring compliance with the requirements of this chapter. Holders must inform their employees about the safeguards, rules, and regulations related to the personal data system. They are not allowed to provide access to personal data to any agency or individual unless authorized by statute or regulations. Holders must take reasonable precautions to protect personal data from physical threats and comply with notice requirements. They must maintain records of access to and use of personal data by external parties. Holders are also required to provide data subjects with information about the uses made of their personal data and maintain accurate and relevant data. Additionally, holders must establish procedures for data subjects to contest the accuracy or denial of access to their personal data and ensure that personal data are not disclosed in response to compulsory legal process without notifying the data subject. Finally, holders should only collect and maintain personal data that are reasonably necessary for their statutory functions. This document provides definitions for various terms used in the Massachusetts General Law related to fair information practices and public records. It defines terms such as ‘agency’, ‘automated personal data system’, ‘computer accessible’, ‘criminal justice agency’, ‘data subject’, ‘holder’, ‘manual personal data system’, ‘personal data’, and ‘personal data system’. The document clarifies the meanings of these terms to ensure consistent interpretation and application of the law.
Whom does it apply to?
All holders maintaining personal data systems
What does it govern?
Duties of holders maintaining personal data systems
What are exemptions?
No specific exemptions are mentioned.
What are the Penalties?
No specific penalties are mentioned.