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Can you summarize HIRS Chapter 128B?
Short Summary
This legal document establishes the position of the Hawaii cybersecurity, economic, education, and infrastructure security coordinator. The coordinator is responsible for overseeing cybersecurity and cyber resiliency matters, including cybersecurity, economic, education, and infrastructure security for the State of Hawaii. The coordinator is placed within either the state department of defense or the department of law enforcement, depending on the effective date of the subsection. The coordinator partners with various entities, including the Hawaii state fusion center, the Hawaii state cyber resiliency center, federal and state government agencies, the counties of the State, institutions of higher education, and entities within the power, water, communications, transportation, and finance sectors. The coordinator’s duties include developing requirements and methods for improving cyber resiliency, critical infrastructure protection, and the State’s cybersecurity. The coordinator also forms partnerships to implement cyber resiliency structures and protocols, as well as expands the State’s cybersecurity and cyber resiliency understanding and workforce through education. The coordinator may request assistance from other departments, agencies, and private companies to carry out its duties.
Whom does it apply to?
The State of Hawaii, including the state department of defense or the department of law enforcement, Hawaii state fusion center, Hawaii state cyber resiliency center, federal and state government agencies, the counties of the State, institutions of higher education, and entities within the power, water, communications, transportation, and finance sectors
What does it govern?
Cybersecurity and cyber resiliency matters, including cybersecurity, economic, education, and infrastructure security for the State of Hawaii
What are exemptions?
No exemptions are mentioned.
What are the Penalties?
No specific penalties are mentioned.