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Can you summarize 15 USC 6805?
Short Summary
This section outlines the enforcement of the subchapter and regulations related to the disclosure of nonpublic personal information. The enforcement is carried out by various entities depending on the type of financial institution or person subject to their jurisdiction. The Bureau of Consumer Financial Protection, Federal functional regulators, State insurance authorities, Federal Trade Commission, Board of the National Credit Union Administration, Securities and Exchange Commission, and applicable State insurance authorities are responsible for enforcing the subchapter and regulations. However, the Bureau of Consumer Financial Protection is not responsible for enforcing the standards under section 6801 of this title. The section also mentions that if a State insurance authority fails to adopt regulations to carry out this subchapter, the State will not be eligible to override the insurance customer protection regulations prescribed by a Federal banking agency. Definitions for certain terms used in this section are also provided.
Whom does it apply to?
Financial institutions and other persons subject to the jurisdiction of the Bureau of Consumer Financial Protection, Federal functional regulators, State insurance authorities, Federal Trade Commission, Board of the National Credit Union Administration, Securities and Exchange Commission, and applicable State insurance authorities
What does it govern?
Enforcement of the subchapter and regulations related to the disclosure of nonpublic personal information
What are exemptions?
No exemptions are mentioned.
What are the Penalties?
Penalties are not specified in this section.
U.S. Federal Government