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Can you summarize MDCR 09.03.01?
Short Summary
This regulation governs the process of electronically conducted elections for credit unions. It defines various terms related to electronic voting and outlines the procedure for conducting such elections. The regulation covers the mailing of printed ballots, identification forms, envelopes, and electronic voting instruction sheets to members. It also allows for electronic transmission of the notice of ballot and electronic voting instruction sheet to electronic notice members. The regulation provides optional methods for electronically conducted voting in person at credit union locations. It specifies the verification of identity requirements for electronic voters and describes the opt-out methods for members who prefer not to vote electronically. The regulation also addresses the testing of balloting systems, the use of printed ballots in case of electronic voting system malfunction, and the authority of the board of directors to adjust voting time frames or postpone the annual meeting if necessary. No specific penalties are mentioned in this regulation.
Whom does it apply to?
Credit unions and their members
What does it govern?
Electronically conducted elections for credit unions
What are exemptions?
No specific exemptions are mentioned
What are the Penalties?
No specific penalties are mentioned