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Can I use third-party payment processors on my website in Ohio? What are the requirements?
Yes, you can use third-party payment processors on your website in Ohio. Ohio law does not have specific requirements for using third-party payment processors on a website [1.1]. However, it is important to note that there are specific requirements for third-party firms in other industries such as engineering and accounting [2.1], logistics providers [3.1], and administrators of insurance or self-insurance programs [4.1]. If your website falls under any of these industries, you must comply with the relevant regulations. Otherwise, there are no specific requirements for using third-party payment processors on your website in Ohio.
- [1.1] Prompt payment requirements.
- [2.1] Approval of third-party engineering and accounting firms.
- [3.1] Third party logistics providers - recordkeeping.
- [4.1] Third-party administrator definitions.